Annual Gala 2019

Registrations have closed
Turning Pointe

Annual Gala 2019



06:00 PM to 28-06-2019 09:00 PM


Gems Wellington Academy Theatre

The Turning Pointe Annual Gala and Graduation Ceremony of 2019 was held in the lovely theatre of Gems Wellington Academy, Silicon Oasis.  All our RAD Ballet and ISTD Modern students performed at the event, dancing beautifully and enjoying the opportunity to be part of our final show of the season.

Throughout the ceremony Students were awarded Medals in each Grade for two categories, firstly for the Highest Examination Mark and secondly for Progress and Dedication.  We believe not only should the highest achiever be rewarded but also those who have worked the hardest and improved the most throughout the year.  Also at the Annual ceremony we award Medals for Excellence in different genres of dance, these awards go to the student we felt achieved the highest standard throughout the whole school, irrelevant of grade or level.

Please enjoy browsing the photos from the shows and do contact us if you are interested in being involved in a future production.


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